12 HVAC Email Marketing Strategies Working Right Now

HVAC Email Marketing 101

HVAC Email Marketing Tips

Presently, there are 4 billion email users worldwide.

Your HVAC prospects are a fraction of that number and the income opportunities are off the charts. But you may say why do I need to send emails anyway? My ads and website should be enough to get clients.

However, you don’t have full control of when search engine algorithms display your website. But with email marketing, you can market your services to your customers and prospects directly.

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What is HVAC Email Marketing?

Email Hvac Marketing

HVAC email marketing is simply engaging with your customers with helpful emails to increase your brand awareness and sales.

It is a branch of digital marketing that involves creating lead magnets, email sequences, seasonal campaigns, etcetera. The overall goal here is to engage with your customers on a deeper level regardless of the stage they are at in the buyer’s journey.

Why is Email Marketing Paramount for HVAC companies?

Here are several reasons why email marketing is vital for HVAC companies.

Engages with Customers

Customer engagement

Some of your customers might have forgotten about your business and reaching out to them will help to put you on their radar once more.

Likewise, HVAC email marketing helps you to build relationships with both new and old customers. So you can be the first HVAC contractor that comes to mind whenever they need to upgrade or fix a unit.

It Increases Your Sales

Increase sales and revenue

For every $1 spent on email marketing, $36 is earned. This shows how powerful email marketing can be for any business.

HVAC email marketing allows you to scale your marketing efforts because you get to talk only to people who are interested in your products and services. Which increases your chances of converting them now or sometime down the road.

Converts Leads to Customers

Convert leads to customers

Once users opt-in to your subscriber list via lead magnets or sign-up forms they automatically become a lead. Then you have the chance to convert them with free valuable content through your email campaigns.

On the bright side, the average email open rate in all industries is 21.5%. That’s not bad but you can get better figures if you put in more effort.

Top Email Marketing Tips for HVAC Companies

Email marketing strategy
Image Credits: Mailmodo

Below are the top email marketing tips for HVAC companies that can accelerate your email campaign success:

Setup HVAC Email Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing Strategies that Work in 2021
Image Credits: Deskara

Every successful email marketing campaign begins with a data-driven strategy. This can be broken down into three phases: preparing, sending, and optimizing.

The preparation stage involves carrying out audience research, setting goals, choosing an ESP (email service provider), and creating sign-up forms. The sending phase is the point where you build your HVAC email campaigns and craft compelling copy.

Lastly, in the optimizing stage, you analyze the results of your marketing using KPIs (key point indicators) like open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates. This would help you to know what works for your audience and how to improve your strategy.

Create Your Goals

Setting marketing goals will help to keep you on track in your email campaigns. The clearer your goals are the easier to pinpoint areas that need to be improved. You can set big goals like customer growth, retention, and conversion. Then set smaller goals under each campaign like increasing web traffic.

Remember that your email outreach should align with your overall marketing strategy and set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals.

Get the Right HVAC Email Marketing Tool

First, choose an ESP (email service provider) that would be used to automate your email sequences, segment your lists, and track key metrics. Some examples of ESPs include Mailchimp, Hubspot, Mailmodo, Activecampaign, etc.

Before signing up for a membership plan, you can use a free trial to test-run the features of the software, check for ease of use, and if functionalities are suitable for your business.

Setup Your Lead Magnets

How to Create an Email Lead Magnet Nurturing Sequence (5 Examples)
Image Credits: Automizy

The quality of leads determines how well your email marketing will go. So you need to set up your lead magnet with an attractive incentive. This could be a discount, a PDF on reducing energy bills, or a DIY video tutorial. Anything helpful that will grab their attention enough to let you into their inbox.

After that, you can place your lead magnet below a blog post, sandwiched in the middle, sidebars, or below the navigation bar. Using a pop-up would still work as long as it’s not intrusive and has an opt-out button.

Additionally, you can create a landing page with the lead magnet as the C.T.A. (call to action).

Setup Your Autoresponder’s Automation (Sequences and Drip Campaigns)

Autoresponder automation allows you to automatically send a series of emails (sequences) or targeted messages (drip campaigns) based on specific triggers.

The email sequences could be a welcome series, an onboarding sequence, or an educational sequence. Drip campaigns involve abandoned cart reminders, product recommendations, re-engagement campaigns, and so on. Thankfully, this can all be done in the comfort of your ESP interface.

Run A/B Tests on Your Subject Lines, Funnels, and Opt-ins/Lead Magnets

A/B testing your email campaigns (+ examples) | Zapier

Running A/B tests deals with varying aspects of your marketing content to identify areas that improve conversion. This could be the subject line, funnels, or opt-ins/lead magnets.

Before you can achieve this you would have to segment your subscribers based on where they are in your sales funnel or demographics.

Take for instance using different subject lines for your loyal customers and new prospects to ascertain the open rate.

You can do the same for your funnels by running two landing pages for some time or changing the offer and graphics in your opt-ns/lead magnet.

Save the Best Performing Emails, Subject Lines, Opt-ins, and Funnels

After trying out different email subject lines, opt-ins, and funnels, you’ll find out what works for your HVAC business. Then you can swipe the high-performing emails, subject lines, or opt-ins for future use. Perhaps you can try to test other variables in the best-performing emails to get better results.

Create a Reusable Template or Your Best Campaign and Marketing Assets

Here’s the part where you use your best-performing HVAC emails to create reusable templates. It makes your work easy as you only have to fill in the blanks to create new HVAC email campaigns.

Apart from your email campaigns, you can also create reusable templates for your marketing assets like opt-in forms.

What are the Different Types of Email for HVAC Companies?

9 Email Designs to Inspire You + Tips, Sources, and Examples
Image Credits: Unlayer

Below are different types of email for HVAC businesses:

Welcome emails

Welcome emails are automated emails sent to new subscribers to introduce your company and inform them of the type of content they will be receiving.

Marketing emails

These are the emails sent to offer your services or products. They should be sent with unique value propositions like seasonal deals, special offers, discounts, or free consultations. For instance, an offer to tune up an air conditioner at the beginning of Summer.

Transactional emails

Transactional emails are sent whenever your customer completes an action. This could be a thank you message after using a service or a double opt-in to confirm their email subscription.

Re-engagement emails

These are emails you send to contacts that have not opened or engaged with your emails for a long time. Re-engagement as this implies is meant to win back your inactive subscribers.

Educational emails

Educational emails are sent to share industry insights and valuable content related to HVAC systems. In your educational emails, you can promote your recently published blog posts to get more web traffic.

HVAC Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

6 Email Marketing Best Practices (And How to Implement Them) | HostGator
Image credits: Hostgator

Email marketing like every other marketing medium has codes of conduct.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

Consent Prospects to Opt-in Before Adding Them to Your List

2-Step Optin is the Best. There are two types of consent in HVAC email marketing: implied and explicit consent.

Implied consent is when you get the customer’s contact because they performed a desired action. For example, downloading a free Ebook or case study.

Conversely, explicit consent occurs when a user actively and directly agrees to receive marketing emails from you. This is the best way to get the user’s approval and a good example is the 2-step opt-in. The user would receive a confirmation email after filling out a newsletter sign-up form.

Refrain from Buying Email Lists (Build it Yourself)

There’s no point in buying email lists and sending marketing emails to prospects who have not consented to receive emails from you.

It will only hurt your sender’s reputation because your emails are likely to get spammed. Which would negatively affect your email campaign and brand reputation. Instead, build your lists with lead magnets and opt-in forms.

Personalization is Key in HVAC Email Marketing

According to Campaign Monitor, email personalization can increase your open rates by 26%.

How do you personalize your emails when you have a few hundred or more contacts to reach out to? Add their name to your email copy and send targeted emails to different segments of your lists.

Personalization will help you to speak directly to the needs of your customers and increase the chances of making a purchase.

Re-engage Your Subscribers Regularly

When planning your HVAC email marketing campaigns you need to set a schedule to send emails. This would help to keep in touch with your subscribers. And your HVAC business would be the first number they dial when an appliance gets broken.

Remove Dead Emails by Cleaning Your Email List Every 6 Months

Dead emails are contacts that no longer exist or haven’t opened your emails for months. These inactive subscribers will only hurt your sender’s reputation and marketing performance so they need to be removed.

You can clean your list by launching a re-engagement campaign, allowing them to unsubscribe or confirm their consent. Alternatively, you can clear the inactive emails if you don’t have the time for a re-engagement campaign.

Ensure Your Email Account is Configured for Deliverability

Deliverability is the rate at which your emails get seen and interacted with. It deals with your sender reputation, domain setup, and authentication.

One way to configure your email account for deliverability is to choose the right form of email authentication protocols. Some popular forms are SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail).

The authentication protocol helps to ensure that your emails are not marked as spam. Likewise, your sender reputation is hinged on how mailbox providers like Gmail view your brand. It is based on the rate at which your emails get spammed.

Conclusion: Email Marketing Strategies for HVAC Companies

You might not see the need for HVAC email marketing now because the month is completely booked. But there would be times when you’d see a trickle of that amount.

This is why you need to invest in email marketing. Putting your HVAC company in front of your prospects regularly might even get them to discover problems they never knew they had.

Start small, maybe a bi-monthly newsletter, and build from there then your marketing emails will stand out in the sea of messages because of the value you’ve given time and time again.

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Frisco Added $60,000 to His Buttom Line in Month 1 by Working with HVAC Marketing Xperts
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No Excuses Heating & Air Got 27 High Quality Leads in 3 Days Working with HVAC Marketing Xperts

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